Green Design Jim

The Life of Rome’s First Emperor Augustus

I just finished reading “The Life of Rome’s First Emperor Augustus” by Anthony Everitt. There was one part that I thought I could share of his way of living. His life history started politically after Julius Caesar’s. They were different people with different kinds of leadership. Julius was fast, a military man while Augustus was slower, plotting the future of Rome and its people at all times.

Why I Write Practice Management Blogs

There is no better way to think about practice management issues than to write them down. I used to keep many Post-it notes around to remind me what to tell staff as issues came up. Recently, I have compiled them onto one list and have started reviewing them. In the process, I am not just talking to my staff but also putting the issues down in our website blog posts. This is my way of stressing the issues talked about within my office.

JHAI Named one of The 10 Best Residential Architects in Winnetka, California

Recently, James Heimler, Architect, Inc. was named one of The 10 Best Residential Architects in Winnetka, California by Home Builder Digest. 


2021 Space Tourism Conference

Jim is the co-founder of a few other companies beyond JHAI. One of those Is Red Planet Ventures. The Founder is John Spencer, a space architect. Why does he get involved with projects so different from what we do at JHAI? For Jim, it is only natural.

So from 4/28-4/29/21, he attended the Space Tourism Conference held over Zoom. The idea of visioning of humanity is part of who he is! Hearing about the future from the most active people in space action is mind-expanding.


When communicating with your design team or anyone, it is imperative to define keywords. Those keywords might have different definitions than your expectations of them.

It is that way with me. Maybe it is my dyslexia, or maybe not. I find others with the same problem. The more I study the more I see words used with different meanings.


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